A Brief and Pleasant Treatise (and Unbalanced and Incomplete) on My Blogging History . . .

NOTE 1: I will have to continue with this  topic in the future.

NOTE 2: Below I have not stated the web addresses of any of these blogs. The only ones mentioned below that are currently active are this current blog, the card-game booklet blog, and the UCLA history blog. There are other blogs that I have operated (or am more or less operating), but the following are among the main ones.

I want to say a few words about my near-future plans for this blog. [P.S. I will do that better in the future, I hope.] To place things in a little better perspective, I decided to say some things about my two main S.W. Erdnase blogs. As I got into that, I decided to say a few things about some of my other blogs. Some of this is from memory.

I think that my first blog was probably the one you are looking at right now. It has not been in operation constantly, by any means. It was set to “Private” for many years.

The first post I have record of was September 2010. It had to do with Edwin T. Sachs. That post is now set to “Private.” I’m not sure why. It appears that I love to set posts to “Private.” Sometimes I have good reasons, and other times likely not. I have been known to move posts from one blog to another, and if I do that, I might mark the first version as “Private,” just as an example. In probably multiple cases, I have changed the emphasis of a blog, and perhaps have set posts to “Prvate” if they were not really on the (new) topic.

This blog (my Victorian-Age conjuring blog) now shows me 60 published posts, but 30 or so are set to private. The most recent post to receive that status is my post called “‘Rejected’ cover ideas for S.W. Erdnase: Another View,” which I had posted as recently as July 19. But soon after that, the world tumbled down on that book, and the post (while still interesting, to me at any rate) didn’t have the same significance as before, and leaving it up would just have been confusing.

You can easily see what that blog looks like now. I can’t remember what it looked like in 2010, but this image shows what it looked like before I changed the header and background very recently.

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After that, I set up my blog about card-game booklets published by Charles Goodall & Son. That one is still fully operational and receives I suppose hundreds of visits per year. I have not posed on it in eons, but I think there are about 350 posts that one may read. Here is what that looks like:

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At some point I started posting Erdnase-related material on that blog (at least one post), and I ended up moving that post to my first blog dedicated mainly to S.W. Erdnase, which I started in 2011. The most recent version of that looked like this:

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That top post there is from 2014, but that blog might already have been set to “Private.” There was one other 2014 post, but before that, the latest was 2012—so a realistic span for that blog would be 2011-2012 (not long!). I think there were around 60 posts. Note well: Many of those posts were pretty interesting, and I expect to repost a lot of them on this blog!

Well, I am going to wrap this post up quickly. My other major Erdnase blog went by multiple names (I believe). (That’s probably true of a number of my blogs. The web address has stayed the same, but the title of the blog might change.) But this is what it looks like now—when I call it up! It is set to “Private,” though I think maybe three or four people have asked permission to access it, and I think I have granted those requests:

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Other blogs I have operated:

UCLA history (active): This is an extensive blog (see the “title” in the image for a general idea of the coverage):

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Frank Godwin (Private): This was (or is) a huge blog, showing me 376 published posts. I think I lot are probably Private. I’m hoping to relaunch it soon:

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Okay, well, that’s it for the moment. I didn’t really fulfill my original aims for this post. Maybe soon!

—Tom Sawyer

July 29, 2023


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